Why choose wah' -sha (2)

From day one, we aim to cultivate curiosity and a love for learning, as well as develop personal values and character, and of course, to build community.


Currently, we have one teacher. As we grow, we will choose our assistants and classroom teachers for their commitment to the community of which we get to be a part and our commitment to our family’s children. Founder Regina Tafoya has always brought great passion into the classroom and has developed deep, caring relationships that inspire a genuine love of learning. She will be sure that our teachers pay close attention to each individual’s social, emotional, physical, and academic needs, adapting daily rhythm, curricula, and lessons that will continue to feed the fire in your child.


As our mission states, our curriculum is a gentle weaving of experiential, wilderness, holistic, and college prep learning styles. To achieve excellence, we will continuously review our curriculum as needs are always changing. Needs-based curriculum development is a highly dynamic process that contrasts with the often static and decisive curriculum often created for long term use in public schools. At Wah -Sha, needs-assessment is not done once in for all. It is, instead, a continuous process. Curriculum deliberation should never be considered final.

Though currently, we are keeping our classroom sizes at 8 – 10 children, we expect to maintain classroom sizes at 12 – 20 students. There is extensive research showing that smaller classroom sizes are beneficial in numerous areas such as academic excellence, emotional support, personalized attention, and long-term ‘success.’


Families starting at Wah’-Sha this year have the opportunity to create a caring and conscious community that will evolve into cross-age interaction among students. We develop partnerships with parents and teachers who are here to help students confront problems and set positive, proactive examples, challenging students to be their best in the classroom and outside the school.


current enrollee testimonial