castelleja kindergarten

2020 – 2021 CALENDAR
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“The hand is an extension of the mind,” Maria Montessori.

Kindergarten is essentially a ‘garden for children.’ With our unique weaving of Montessori, Waldorf, and experiential/outdoor learning styles, our kindergarten establishes an environment that promotes genuine connections and relationships, genuine learning experiences, and plain old fun!

In the Montessori Curricula, techniques and materials satisfy the primary child’s natural tendency to learn by doing. Children work individually and cooperatively with materials that pique their curiosity and enhance their experience. This develops independence, coordination, order, self-discipline, and concentration.

There is nothing quite like the authentic Montessori Method for early childhood education. This unique approach enables children to discover their true potential and develop an organized, engaged, and focused mind.

The practicality of Montessori is balanced with an imaginative Waldorf-style self-directed playtime and teacher-directed story times and circle times. The room is a peaceful quiet under the hum of activity and focus, whether the children are engaged in Montessori materials or traditional age-appropriate play. Your teacher will speak and sing softly throughout the day as the children move about freely with a comfortable confidence and interdependence.

One of the Waldorf philosophy’s unique aspects is that it recognizes the essential spiritual nature within each human being. Although Waldorf schools are not directly associated with any specific religious organization, this spiritual element is an integral part of Waldorf pedagogy. This element is incorporated through the use of fairy tales, legends, and myths that speak to the divine spark within all humanity; through music, art, and dance that open the heart to the beauty of creation; and through the loving respect that the teacher brings to the learning process itself. Waldorf education seeks to instill within students a sense of wonder and reverence for all creation.

Together, this creates our unique home-like setting of natural/wooden materials, the smell of fresh bread or soup, and the way the teachers move about the room doing purposeful work.   These styles are woven together, contributing to the kind of play that brings about a deeper level of social, emotional, and academic learning that is a pervasive undercurrent in our classroom’s daily rhythm.

Gratitude practices, storytelling, singing, sensory awareness practices, nature awareness games,  questioning, and tracking are core routines that shape the outdoor learning experience, perfectly complementing Montessori and Waldorf practices. These habits help us raise our awareness, be receptive to teachable moments, and let curiosity lead.  We will engage in numerous nature walks, developing familiarity with the four directions, plant and animal awareness, and ‘sit spot.’

Together, child passions and core routines drive our learning culture. They are partners in cahoots, feeding inspiration, intrinsic motivation, respect for self and others, and a reverence for our home, Earth.

Research shows that, while adhering to a daily rhythm, children who immerse themselves in a natural and ever-changing environment have more opportunities to learn new things in new ways. Being outdoors provides an expanded opportunity for physical exploration. Inspiration is everywhere in the change of seasons and cycles of life. Children develop a bond with nature as they begin to understand their place within it. Also, a hearty dose of curiosity and respect for nature develops, laying a foundation for future scientific investigation!

Teacher-directed learning comes during individual Montessori presentations, storytime, literacy hour, music, and circle time.


Music Together

Jolly Phonics and Oxford Reading Tree Literacy Hour (utilizing Orton Gillingham approach)

Suzuki Pre-Recorder

mindfulness practices

conflict resolution 

Exposure to various culture

Kindergarten Program
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